

- Ẕākir[ NE204 ] [ NE205 ] [ NE211 ] [ NE214 ] [ TA107 ]
Zākir[ TA107 ]
Kommentar Identity unknown.
Zâkir is identified by Öztuna with Dervîş Ömer (ca. 1550–1640), apparently based on the fact that a peşrev in Evc/Sakîl which appears in both BL3114 and TA100 is attributed to ‘Dervīş ʿÖmer’ and ‘Ẕākir’, respectively. However, given that Alî Ufukî and Cantemir frequently disagree with regards to composer attributions, this does not necessarily indicate that they were referring to the same individual. (Türk mûsikîsi akademik klasik Türk san'at mûsikîsi'nin ansiklopedik…, TMAS/II, pp. 172–3)
There are a number of musicians who were also known as zikir leaders, e.g. Zâkirî Hasan Efendi (d. 1623) or Zâkir Mahmûd Çelebi (d. 1629).
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