
segāh Ḳarabaṭaḳ pīşrevi

CMO IdentifierMÜN_OR2_07
RISMD-MÜu Ms.or.2, p.10
Titlemain segāh Ḳarabaṭaḳ pīşrevi
original سكاە قارە بطاق پيشروى
alt Ḳarabaṭaḳ
Segâh Karabatak peşrevi
Related SourcesCMOi0225
  • segāhSegâh
Music Genre
  • Karabatak peşreviInstrumental music
SourceMünster OR2
NoteAttribution This piece is usually attributed to Ḥıżır Aġa
Usûl No uṣūl is given, but the time signature 2/4 is given. Most sources give the uṣūl for this piece as ŝaḳīl, and one source gives the uṣūl as dūyek. 
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